Prof. Dr. med. Wilhelm Mosgöller
Research project manager and certified Principal Investigator at the Medical University Vienna, and Consultant at SCIgenia Health Research Support GmbH

Short Biography

- Medical Student at the University Vienna (A) Queen Sqare Neurological Hospital in London (U.K),
- Graduation 1987
- University Assistant, Medical Cell Biology Research, Univ. Wien
- Guest Scientist at the John Innes Plant Research Centre (Dept. Cell Biology) – Norwich, U.K.
- Assistant Doctor, Surgery and Internal Medicine (Gastroenterology, Pulmology) at
1) Army Hospital Vienna, Austria , and 2) University Clini. Med. Univ. Vienna - Head of the Cell and Tissue Laboratory, Inst. f. Histology and Embryology of the University Vienna
- Head of Experimental Structure Research Workgroup, Institute of Cancer Research, Medical Univ. Vienna.
- Trainer for the Austrian Medical Chamber „Project Management“ for post graduates since 2005.
- Foundation of SCIgenia Project Design & Management (2009)
You can find important published work from Wilhelm Mosgöller here: